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Robert Mitchum e Jim Jarmusch na rodagem de "Dead Man" (1995)
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Quando só se tem cinema na cabeça, dá nisto ...
Quando só se tem cinema na cabeça, dá nisto ...
Robert Mitchum e Jim Jarmusch na rodagem de "Dead Man" (1995)
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Robert Mitchum, Jane Russell e Vincent Price em "His Kind of Woman" (Richard Fleischer & John Farrow, 1951)
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No documentário de Bruce Weber - Nice Girls Don't Stay for Breakfast – apresentado no Indielisboa, o ator Benício Del Toro confessou e revelou os dois “monstros” que o apavoravam-no enquanto criança, Drácula e Robert Mitchum. Parecem díspares … mas não tanto assim.
The Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
Dracula (Tod Browning, 1931)
The Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
Dracula (Tod Browning, 1931)
The Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton, 1955)
Dracula (Tod Browning, 1931)
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Jacques Tourneur, Jane Greer e Robert Mitchum durante a rodagem de “Out of the Past” (1947)
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"Ah, little lad, you're staring at my fingers. Would you like me to tell you the little story of right-hand/left-hand? The story of good and evil? H-A-T-E! It was with this left hand that old brother Cain struck the blow that laid his brother low. L-O-V-E! You see these fingers, dear hearts? These fingers has veins that run straight to the soul of man. The right hand, friends, the hand of love. Now watch, and I'll show you the story of life. Those fingers, dear hearts, is always a-warring and a-tugging, one agin t'other. Now watch 'em! Old brother left hand, left hand he's a fighting, and it looks like love's a goner. But wait a minute! Hot dog, love's a winning! Yessirree! It's love that's won, and old left hand hate is down for the count!" Robert Mitchum (The Night of the Hunter, 1955) Charles Laughton
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